Meet Our Leaders

Leadership Committee

  • Wendy bienemann
    Auction Co-Chair, Allen Health System
  • lois bonefas
  • Community Volunteer
  • cindy braatz
    Community Outreach Chair, VGM
  • heidi ducharme
    Passion Co-Chair, Allen Health System
  • Jan fuelling
    Passion Co-Chair, Allen Health System
  • angie fuller
    Logistics Co-Chair, Allen Health System
  • Kathleen heise
    Auction Co-Chair, Allen Health System
  • abby howie
    Executlive Leadership Team Co-Chair, Midwest One Bank
  • chelley pratt
  • Circle of Red Chair, Isle Casino Hotel Waterloo
  • lisa rolinger
  • Executlive Leadership Team Co-Chair, US Bank

Message From Chairperson, Paula Geise

Director of Cardiac Services & ICU, Allen Health System

I am very proud to chair this event.  It is very exciting to see so many women be passionate about cardiac disease.  I have devoted my whole career to caring for cardiac patients and feel strongly about the impact that we can have on the communities we serve.  This years theme 'What do your genes say?' is a very important message.  Although people can look the picture of health, they really can have issues that they are not addressing and that could develop into a health limiting disease.  It is important for everyone to know that heart disease can strike young and old and all ages in between.  Although there have been so many technological advancements in health care, we forget sometimes that it is still the basic things that can save lives, such as increased knowledge on the signs and symptoms, and education on heredity and risk factors.

The committee is a fabulous group of dynamic women that are very caring individuals.  They each have a story to tell on why they chose to get involved.  It makes me proud to be a part of this event and we are excited to share and save others with the information that will be provided the day of the event.

Message From Nancy Brown

for position only

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Cedar Valley Go Red For Women Luncheon!  We’re delighted you want to learn how you can advance health, stop heart disease and save women’s lives. That’s what Go Red For Women is all about.

Heart disease isn’t just a man’s problem. It’s a woman’s problem, too. In fact, it’s women’s No. 1 killer. And, tragically, far too few women realize their risk from this often-preventable disease. We need to raise women’s awareness, to protect our mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and other loved ones. And ourselves.

You can help, starting today. Here’s how:

First, take charge of your own heart health. Visit your doctor. Know your numbers (learn more at You can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol and other numbers by making lifestyle changes. You’ll be healthier and look and feel better, too.

Second, speak up. Help spread the word that heart disease is women’s No. 1 killer. You can make a difference. Choose to share what you learn today with your family and members of your community.

Third and last, consider making a contribution. Your donation will help fund local and national Go Red activities to support awareness, research, education and community programs to benefit women.

Please don’t leave today without committing to make a difference. Join the Go Red For Women movement — women need your help. There’s so much to do, and so much at stake. Only one in five women believes that heart disease is her greatest health threat. Reducing risk and preventing heart disease starts with education — and you.

By working together, we can help women and their families live longer, stronger lives. Thank you for your generous support.

Warm regards,

Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association


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