Meet Our Leaders

Leadership Committee

Event Chair

Kay Driscoll

Quaker Oats

Circle of Red

Diane Ramsey

Angel West
Nyemaster Goode PC

Beth Houlahan
Mercy Medical Center


Theresa Bornbach

Corridor CoWorks


Amy Ingalls


Medical Sponsorship

Sue Halter

St. Luke's Hospital


Peg Bradke

St. Luke's Hospital

AHA staff

Ani Kruse

Heart Association

Message From Chairperson

As a parent of two beautiful teenage girls’ it is very important to me to “Go Red”.  I lost my own mother when I was in my early 20’s, and because of that loss I have made it a priority to ensure that I am taking care of myself not only for me but for my daughters’ as well.


I need to make sure that they know as well as my sister, my friends, my co-workers and all the women who touch my life know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women.  We need to step up and empower each other to make a difference and understand our risks.


Whether its’ encouraging our kids to live healthy, active lives, asking our friends to know their numbers, or “Going Red” – we can all join together to stop the impact of this disease.



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